Deep Roots

Today is the end of the My Heart, His Home Challenge. I went into this Challenge following the Holy Spirit in making it public, though I was not sure what that would look like. I felt uncertain, but knew I had to be obedient. This challenge has been an opportunity for my husband and I to go through scripture together, to pray together. To establish something in our home and in our hearts that we both needed. It was also the opportunity it invite others to do the same!

This Challenge wasn’t followed by hundreds of people who wanted to join, but it established what the scripture says in Ephesians 3:17 – being rooted and ground in love.

Deep Roots were established during this challenge. I can see it revealed by the Holy Spirit. The small steps may seem futile, but they have great impact. Five minutes in scripture and five minutes in prayer seemed to always overflow to a longer time spent in the Word. Reading the scripture together turned into conversations, questions about the content, searching to compare different versions. When we take the small steps, they make a great impact.

The Passion Translations says, “Then, by constantly using your faith, the life of Christ will be released deep inside you, and the resting place of his love will become the very source and root of your life.”

If even for a handful of people, I am grateful for the life of Christ being released deep inside you!

This challenge does not end on July 21st, but it is the start of a new journey in scripture. I see it as Christ being home in the hearts of everyone who even attempted to complete this! Even those who see it months later and take the challenge.

For those who may not know about the challenge, learn about it on the previous blog post.

There will be more challenges to come! TBA


2023: Building Consistency


Revival of Dreams