More Than You Can Imagine

When hearing or reading “More than you could ask or think…” in Ephesians 3:20, I have often heard teachings on dreaming BIGGER.

I am not here to say that you shouldn’t. I am here to make the case that beyond what you could ask or think may very well be just that…Something you can’t dream because you literally couldn’t imagine it for yourself. If we think to dream bigger, maybe what we dream is just what we want but not what He has for us.

What I have found is that the things I am experiencing, that I know are from the Lord, have been things that I could not imagine because I did not think I wanted it or didn’t even think about it. Some of these things are pretty simple, but down to the details, displays the love of Jesus for me.

I’ve experienced the Lord pouring out His love for me through my fellow church members in a way that I didn’t know I needed. I dreamed of being this big time rock star. I didn’t think that I’d find so much joy and purpose in serving as a worship leader and songwriter at my local church. Prophetic songs have been released that served the people of our church.

I went to college not really knowing what I wanted to do as a career. I only thought about creative things. Even when completing my Bachelors as an adult with kids, I didn’t know what the next move would be. I literally couldn’t imagine it. I started at the front desk in workforce development in 2020 and loved it. I’m now in my 5th position in less than 4 years at my organization. I’ve experienced promotion and access in the workplace that I wasn’t seeking!

I used to be burdened with anxiety and depression. I would pray to be free from panic attacks. Not only have I been free from both but told by 2 different executive leaders at work that I’m always peaceful, that they feel relief when working with me. I’ve prayed and laid hands on other women to be free themselves! That’s only Jesus!

My prayer for my spouse was that we would serve together in church again. I did imagine this, but what came next I did not imagine. Now he leads a team at church. He helped plan a conference hosting thousands of people. Ministry is not easy, and I did not know what it would take before it happened, but I am grateful to be doing it together with our children and under great leadership. I’ve experienced refreshing in my marriage just by saying yes to serving and giving our time together.

These are all things I did not imagine for myself. When I have previously thought of this verse, I would imagine a larger version of what I wanted. A magnification of my own plans.

My friends, beyond what you can ask or imagine, in my own experience, has been an overwhelming, mind-blowing experience. I don’t say all these things to boast. I say it to testify what the Lord has done. If He did it for me, he can for you. I want to encourage you to be willing to experience all of His fullness. Do not reject those things that do not look like what you expected. I wasted too much time trying to force my will and not enough time embracing his! Don’t make the same mistake! Increase your faith today!


On This Day, 12 Years Ago


I wanted a Medically Verified Miracle…